
I Love Gym is a brand that has over 150 centers in China. In Beijing shunyi, we are the first center in the district and the 16th in Beijing. It’s an early childhood education center for babies from 0-6 years old. From 0-3, the classes involve parents with babies. From 3-6, most classes are only for kids. There are 6 courses: Fitness Fun, Kindermuisk, Art, Watergym, Cooking Fun and Letterland, all bilingual. We have professional training for all instructors. Most classes will have two instructors. So the foreign teachers will have a partner to translate during classes. All teaching materials are provided.

I Love Gym Shunyi Center was found in April 2018. It has been focused on marketing and branding for the recent 6 months. And the center will open at the end of December. So It is a new center. Now we have 4 Chinese instructors and one foreign instructor. The nearest subway station is 后沙峪 houshayu. About 700 meters from the center.

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